前天回去PG帮朋友拿衣服回去换,但原来衣服本身是没问题的,只是…朋友的疏忽。这次回去并没什么特别的节目,就…都一样,跟Jack和Apple去打Pool,之后就去Pelita。不过前天去吃东西的时候join了一个马来朋友,他蛮健谈的,而且也很幽默。虽然不同种族,但是我觉得朋友并不应该介意吧?前天拿衣去换的时候,我没想到会在那边看到Y,其实我是看不到,到我离开了Jack n Apple才告诉我她在那边,是跟一个男的,whatever, I don’t care.之后text她跟她说声sorry之后就没什么好讲的了吧?其实我回去的目的是有2个,1就是以上所说的,2就是回去换个新发型,新年要到了嘛!
前天回去的时候也失去jack的家睡,昨天还睡到蛮迟的。之后就去meet他的朋友,嗯…起初meet的都很nice,过后的就……forget it la!对不好的事物我是不会留下任何印象的。回来太平后很衰,唉…刚刚撞了一辆摩托。Honestly ,that’s not my false. The motor suddenly came out n din show any signal, n my speed was around 60 km/h, so I had not enough time to brake. I was so scared when I crashed. But the 1st thing I did is asked the motor driver: Are you ok? I not bother about your motor, I just want to know, are you really ok? After that he answered me “Ya , I’m ok.”那时候我真的是很steady地下车问他这一番话,过后确定他没事后我就走了,但现在我的心情很复杂,我在担心…他是不是真的没事?这件事发生不久我妈就打来问我为什么那么久还没到吃饭的地方?我就告诉她,但我没被骂,因为不是我错,但我爸就说应该把那人的车牌都记下来,以免他反过来说是我撞了他之后就逃,唉…第一次,哪懂那么多?希望他不会那么不讲理吧?我只知道在那时候的我是只想confirm他是不是真的没事而已,其他的,我没顾虑那么多。我现在心情是真的很down… Text my friend, but I didn’t get any reply. So…what can I do? I can’t force them to accompany me, maybe they busy doing something or…already sleep? Haiz…Why when they feel lonely they will find me to company, but when I feel lonely, I’m just alone… Nobody will reply me. I told my friends before: “When you feel lonely just text me, except I got something to do or already sleep, if not, sure I’ll reply.” But now, have any friends company me? The answer is: “No!”我真的不想那样想你们,但是…我一直都很矛盾。你们对我来说很重要,但我对你们来说,重要吗?可能…是我想太多了吧?Friends is important for me…My friends , if got any misunderstand, sorry. Now I’m just thinking about the motor driver, hope that he will be really ok.
这是body kit装上去时的空隙…要补漆